Not a new blog here, but a link to a blogspot elsewhere.
A pleasant surprise in the Sidonius Apollinaris for the twenty-first century project has been the exploration of Sidonius' reception in early modern and modern Europe. Little is known in this area, though honoris causa I must mention Jesús Hernández Lobato (Salamanca) and Filomena Giannotti (Siena), both of whom are contributing on the topic (renaissance and twentieth-century respectively) to the forthcoming Prolegomena to Sidonius Apollinaris, as is the founder of the project, Joop van Waarden. The project has now started a blog on 'Sidonius in Antiquity and Modernity', featuring so far a fine study of John Buchan by Paul Barnaby, the Network Facilitator, and a short essay by me on a few pages of scholarship by André Loyen (Paul came up with the title). Submissions for the blog most welcome!