Saturday, 5 October 2019

Addenda and Corrigenda to Jenkins' Bibliography of Ammianus Marcellinus

For my review of Jenkins’ Ammianus Marcellinus: An Annotated Bibliography see here. I'll try to update the post as I work on Ammianus' text in the coming years -- a task vastly facilitated by Jenkins' book. [update -- thanks to Alan Ross for a couple of addenda in the comments, now incorporated in the text 23.2.2020; thanks to Raphael Brendel for some further addenda (Hansen; Den Boer; Cameron 2012), and for suggesting that I add references to other reviews 26.5.2020; updated with Hermann 29.7.2020; updated 4.4.2022, 15.7.2022, 25.7.2023].

Chapter 1 Bibliographies
B1984-01 Caltabiano’s forename, Matilde, is missing (p. 9)

Chapter 2 Editions
E1533-02 Omnia quam antehac emendatiora. Annotationes Des. Erasmi & Egnatii cognitu dignae. C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Dion Cassius. Aelius Spartianus. Iulius Capitolinus. Aelius Lampridius. Vulcatius Gallicanus. Trebellius Pollio. Flavius Vopiscus. Herodianus Politiano interp. Sex. Aurelius Victor. Pomponius Laetus. Io. Baptista Egnatius. Ammianus Marcellinus quatuor libris auctus. Cum indicibus copiosis. Basileae: in officina Frobeniana, 1533.

The title of this compendium, containing Gelenius' edition, should be printed as above: the order given by Jenkins (p. 15) takes the list of authors as being in two columns rather than from left to right.

E1544-01 Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri XVIII a decimoquarto ad trigesimum primum. Nam XIII priores desiderantur. Quanto vero castigatior hic scriptor nunc prodeat, ex Hieronymi Frobenii epistola, quam hac de causa addimus, cognosces. Librum trigesimum primum qui in exemplari Frobeniano non habetur, adiecimus ex codice Mariangeli Accursii. Parisiis: Ex officina Rob. Stephani typographi Regij, 1544.

Jenkins writes (p. 15): ‘Estienne reprinted the text of Gelenius (E1533-02), including Hieronymus Froben’s preface. He also added the missing books 30.9.7-31 from the edition of Accursius (E1533-01).’ However, Estienne in fact missed out the last chapter of book 30 (30.10) when adding book 31.

E1693-01 Jacobus Gronovius’ 1693 edition of Ammianus (p. 20)
Note also the illustrations in this book, which include medallions of the various emperors as well as the battle of Strasbourg and the siege of Amida.

E1871-01 Eyssenhardt, Franz, Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri quae supersunt. Berlin: Vahlen, 1871.
This should read qui supersunt (p. 22)

E1874-01 Gardthausen, Victor Emil, Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum quae supersunt. Leipzig: Teubner, 1874-75.
Likewise, this should read qui supersunt (p. 22).

E1910-01 Clark, Charles Upson. Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt. Berlin: Weidman, 1910-1915
The title should have been given in full, both to include the names of Clark’s supervisors/ collaborators, and because of the reference to the important fact of Clark’s recognition of clausulation. After supersunt, add: Recensuit rhythmiceque distinxit Carolus U. Clark, adiuvantibus Ludovico Traube et Gulielmo Heraeo (p.23).

In the list of reviews, that by Frank Gardner Moore is said to be in Classical World 4 (1910), 45-46: in fact, Classical Weekly.

Cross-refer to 1911-08 R. Novák, ‘Kritische Nachlese zu Ammianus Marcellinus’, Wiener Studien 33 (1911) 293-322, a response to the first volume of Clark’s edition (notable for the remark that the application of insights from prose rhythm was equivalent in value for the text to the discovery of another major manuscript).  

E1978-01 Seyfarth, Wolfgang, Lieselotte Jacob-Karau, and Ilse Ullmann, Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum quae supersunt. Leipzig: Teubner, 1978. The review cited by André (RPh 53 (1979), 252) is in fact of the fourth volume of Seyfarth’s bilingual version (E1968-02), at which point it is correctly recorded. (p. 27, cf. p. 26).

Chapter 4 Commentaries 

C1948-01 Jonge, Pieter de. Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XV, 1-5. Groningen: Wolters, 1948. It is wrongly stated that the two earlier volumes (1935, 1939) had been in Dutch: in fact in German (see C1935-01, C1939-02)

Chapter 5 Concordances, Indexes and Lexica
In the preface to his edition, Clark records that Michael Petschenig had lent him a concordance of Ammianus.

Chapter 7 Secondary Studies before 1800
1531-01 Beatus Rhenanus’ Res Germanicae, add Mundt, Felix, Beatus Rhenanus: Rerum Germanicarum libri tres (1531). Ausgabe, Übersetzung, Studien. Berlin, 2008 (p. 49).

Chapter 8 Secondary Studies, 1800-1899
1855 Add Ilberg, Hugo. Exercitationes criticae, Programm des vereinigten Königl. und Stadtgymnasium zu Stettin 1855. Stettin, 1855, 1-15; discussion of Ammianus 29.1.31 at 15 (p. 76).       

1878-02 Dederichs, Heinrich, Quaestiones Ammianeae grammaticae et criticae, Münster. Among the passages that Dederichs deals with, 25.3.5 is listed; it is in fact 25.3.6 (a mistake on Dederichs’ part, not Jenkins’) (p. 93).

Chapter 9 Secondary Studies, 1900-1999
1934 Add Pasquali, Giorgio, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo. Florence: Felice le Monnier, 1934. The textual transmission of Ammianus is used as an example on pp. 81-83 (p. 177).

1936-07 Robinson, R. P. ‘The Hersfeldensis and Fuldensis of Ammianus Marcellinus’, in R,P. Robinson (ed.) Studies in Honor of Walter Miller (Columbia, 1936) = University of Missouri Studies 11, 18–40 (p. 191). Jenkins is not systematic in listing reviews of books that contain single chapters on Ammianus, but I would draw attention to several reviews that mention this chapter, including C.U. Clark in AJP 61 (1940), 511-512, G.B.A. Fletcher in CQ 1945, 77-78, L.W. Jones in Classical Weekly 36 (1937), 264-266.

1952 Add Hansen, Günther Christian, ‘Tiberius und Constantius im Lichte der senatorischen Geschichtsschreibung des Tacitus und Ammianus’, Diplomexamensarbeit, Berlin, 1952.

1964-03 Alan Cameron’s ‘The Roman Friends of Ammianus’ was later reprinted in in his Studies in Late Roman Literature and History (Edipuglia: Bari, 2016), ch. 12 (p. 222).
1965-02 and 1967-02 Alan Cameron’s two articles on the late antique reception of Pliny’s letters were later reprinted in combined and revised form in R.K. Gibson and C.L. Whitton, The Epistles of Pliny (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies) (Oxford, 2015), ch. 19 ‘Pliny’s Afterlife’ and in Cameron’s Studies in Late Roman Literature and History (Edipuglia: Bari, 2016), ch. 8 as ‘The Fate of Pliny’s Letters in the Late Empire’. (pp. 226, 232).

1969 Add Walter, Hermann. Die 'Collectanea rerum memorabilium des C. Julius Solinus. Ihre Entshehung und die Echtheit ihrer Zweitfassung (Hermes Einzelschriften 22: Wiesbaden 1969. There is a discussion on pp/ 44-54 on Ammianus' use of Solinus' text in the second of its two editions.

1971-05 Den Boer, Willem. ‘Ontleningen, toespelingen, doubletten. Dr geschiedschrijvers van de 4e eeuw na Chr. Aan het werk’. In D.M. Kriel (ed.) Pro munere grates: Studies Presented to H.L. Gonin. Pretoria: Departement Latijn, Universiteit van Pretoria, 1971. Jenkins does not supply page numbers (which are 59-71), and the Historia Augusta vita referred to is the Quadriga Tyrannorum not the Vita Quadrigarii.

1973 Add Češka, Josef. Textová kritika ve filologické praxi. Brno, 1973.

1976-31 Syme, Sir Ronald. ‘Bogus authors’. In J.A. Straub (ed) Bonner Historia Augusta Colloquium (Bonn, 1976), 311-22. The title of the article should be as above, not ‘Bogus names’ (p.283).

1977-07 Češka, Josef. ‘Die Gattin des Caesars Gallus: Hiess sie Constantina oder Constantia’, Arheološki Vestnik 38 (1977) 428-435. The date is 1977 not 1972 as printed (p. 285).

1977-10 Fontaine 1977: in the English summary correct the French spelling Ambroise (p. 285).

1977-22 Suerbaum 1977: in the English summary delete surplus of’ (‘reviews of earlier of editions (p. 287).

1983-07 To the list of positive reactions to Cappellettos work on Biondo Flavio, add Reeve, Michael D. ‘Classical Scholarship’, in J. Kraye, Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism (Cambridge UP, 1996), 20-46, at p. 38.

1984-20 Issue 9 of AJAH and Naudé’s article (‘The Date of the Later Books of Ammianus Marcellinus’) were actually published six years late in 1990 – which makes a scholarly difference, since the arguments for publication of Ammianus ca. 390 began being made in the later 1980s (e.g. Rike 1987, Matthews 1989) (p.323).

1986 add Szidat, Joachim. Civitas . . . fabricata est (CIL III.6730). Überlegungen zur Neubefestigung von Amida in den Jahren 367-375 n.Chr. und zur Befestigungstätigkeit von Valens’, in Panegyris Symphilologounton. Festschrift für Thomas Gelzer zum 60. Geburtstag (Bern, 1986), 130-43

1989-08 Alan Cameron’s ‘Biondo’s Ammianus’ was later reprinted in slightly altered form in his Studies in Late Roman Literature and History (Edipuglia: Bari, 2016), ch. 11. In Jenkins’ summary, correct Cappelletti to Cappelletto (p.346).

1990-06 Broszinski and Teitler’s article arguably publishes four new fragments of the Hersfeldensis, not three (p. 353).

1991-32 Read ‘revised’ for ‘revise’ (p. 363).

1995-10 Češka, Josef. ‘De erroribus a scribis editoribusve tam infeliciter commissis, ut Ammianus Marcellinus immerito interdum stultus videatur’, LF 118 (1995), 8-19. The word videatur is omitted from the title (p. 386).

1998-26 The editor of the volume in which Den Hengst’s article appears is Jerzy Styka, not Stryka (p. 411).

Chapter 10 Secondary Studies, 2000-2016

2011-07 To the reviews of Cameron's Last pagans add Gavin Kelly, Classical Review 65 (2015) 230-33, reprinted here (p. 554). 

2011-52 In Jenkins’ summary of Ziche 2011, correct spelling of ‘accommodation’ (p. 563).

2012-03 Cameron’s article on ‘Nicomachus Flavianus and the Date of Ammianus’ Last Books’ is reprinted with a slightly altered title (‘Nicomachus Flavianus and Ammianus’s Last Books’) in his Studies in Late Roman Literature and History (Edipuglia: Bari, 2016), ch. 10 (p. 584).

2013-54 The publication date of eHumanistica 24 should be 2013 not 1913 (p. 584).

2015-07 The book number for the Artemius episode is missing in the description of the article (22.11.1-3) (p. 596).

2015-49 (a letter by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill to The Times): read ‘led’ for ‘lead’ (p. 604).

Index p. 660 in lemma Salutius, Saturninus Secundus, read Saturninius.

Other reviews of Jenkins
Alan Ross in Ancient History Bulletin online reviews 7 (2017), 43-45.
Álvaro Sanchez-Ostiz in Gnomon 92 (2020), 176-177.
J. Szidat, Eine Bibliographie zu Ammian’, Histos 12 (2018), xvi-xix.
N. Zugravu, Classica et Christiana 17 (2018), 229-233 [this review has a list of reprints of editions, websites, and a few works in Romanian omitted by Jenkins]. 


AJRoss said...

2013-54: the publication date of eHumanista 24 should be 2013, not 1913

AJRoss said...

2015-07: The book number for the Artemius episode is missing in the description of this article (22.11.1-3)